- Sex... Because it Sells
- The standout is Dara Seitzman. She can be a wonderfully rubber-faced, bug-eyed comedienne and has a strong singing voice and loopy but savvy way about her. Her broad-accented, broad-humored "German Drinking Song" is near perfection. Her facial expressions as a disapproving, uptight mother from another generation are a howl - it's instant and lasting hilarity when the lights come up on that bit and we see her imposing scowl.
-Rob Lester, Cabaret Exchange Complete Review
- Broadway Rhapsody
- There are musical numbers for everyone's taste, from beautiful ballads to rousing hand clapping songs... A few standouts are Ms. Seitzman doing two songs from "Funny Girl." She is right up there with Barbra Streisand.
-Clyde Ayles, kingroom.com Complete Review
- The fun is unusually high whenever Dara Seitzman takes lone control of your attention. It is appropriate that she sings two songs from "Funny Girl" - "People" and "Don't Rain on My Parade" - and the hilarious "Whatever Happened to My Part?" from "Spamalot"... The collaboration of Austin and Seitzman for "Big Spender" ("Sweet Charity") is pure entertainment.
-Dawn Hilty, Out & About Complete Review
- The Servant of Two Masters
- Smeraldina, Clarice's tartish servant, is enthusiastically interpreted by Dara Seitzman, who wrings comedy from unpredictable gestures and expressions as well as from her scripted lines. She uses her voluptuous body in a mime that is more than entertaining.
-Jo Ann Rosen, NYTheatre.com Complete Review 
One performer, however, makes it work: Dara Seitzman, who's playing Clarice's sexpot maid Smeraldina. She prowls around with a stripper's gait, and accents most of her lines with bumps, grinds, or rolls of her ample shoulders. Her voice, a smoky alto, imbues even the most innocent words with flaming double entendres. Seitzman not only turns up the heat in her otherwise chilly surroundings, but she provokes laughter by her very audacity; perhaps unwittingly, she's tapped into a centuries-old tradition and made the broad she plays broad in all the right ways.
-Matthew Murray, TalkinBroadway.com Complete Review 
- Brecht's Man is Man
- But the actors were the best part of the show (as Prospect's audience has come to expect). Brad Heberlee, as Galy Gay, and Dara Seitzman, as the Widow Begbick, stole the show. They had an innate sense of comic timing and a magnetic stage presence.
-Jenny Sandman, OOBR.com Complete Review
Charlie Chaplin's influence on Brecht is palpable in the fine physical comedy of Paul Paglia, Mark Mattek and Austin Jones as the three soldiers... and in Dara Seitzman's droll turn as the enterprising Widow Begbick, whose seduction of the tyrannical sergeant Bloody Five (Frank Liotti) is one of the play’s standout scenes.
-Deidre McFadyen, OffOffOnline.com Complete Review
- Swingtime Canteen
- Dara Seitzman rounds off the quintet of talented women in the Equity professional cast. As Topeka Abotelli, Seitzman presents the dedicated working mom who kept industry thriving while the boys were away. Though she portrays a rough-around-the-edges performer, Seitzman delivers a powerful wallop with her rendition of "His Rocking Horse Ran Away."
-Joanne Greco Rochman, The Valley Gazette Complete Review
- Words Words Words & Music
- This cast is just marvelous... but the minds behind it: Miles Philips, Jason Wynn and Dara Seitzman even more so.......
Dara Seitzman, a beautiful, sexy, wonderful character with amazing low notes.......
-Michelle Russell, cabaretsingers@egroups.com Complete Review
- Stage Blood
- Dara Seitzman's Helga is glorious. Dressed in get-ups that Norma Desmond rejected as too over-the-top, she mugs mercilessly for an unseen camera, and chews relentlessly on scenery and anything else in her path."
-Martin Denton, NYTheatre.com Complete Review